‘It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge.’
— Albert Einstein

That's me! I awaken joy. 


I'm a lecturer, tutor and mentor. Dedicated to world class art education, I focus on my students' progress – past, present and future. Looking back over the last 17 years, my students have graduated to find satisfying careers in the local and international art world. Looking ahead, I watch my students grow under my guidance as they explore new opportunities to learn.

My expertise in art writing extends to other disciplines, so I offer private tutoring to help adult year 12 and tertiary students with writing and publishing, projects and research, and study skills.

I'm an independent art historian.  Affiliated with the University of Adelaide, I have several anthologies on the representation of domestic interiors to my name and  am the Visiting Research Fellow in Art History at the university. I have published two books:

Domestic Interiors: Representing Homes from the Victorians to the Moderns  
Designing the French Interior: the Modern Home and Mass Media

I'm a curator. Home Alone: Solitary Pleasures is my first exhibition and will question the usual approaches to the interior in popular culture by replacing them with alternatives that are darker, funnier and poignant critiques of the 'homescape'.